Monday, October 6, 2008

The Seductive Character 10 - Summary

The Brute - Impatient

The Suffocator - Fall in love too fast

The Moraliser - Rigid thinking

The Tightwad - Cheap

The Bumbler - Self conscious

The Windbag - Talk a lot

The Reactor - Sensitive

The Vulgaian - No taste & inattentive

The Seductive Character 10 - The Anti Seducer



1. Draw victim by focused, individualised attention they pay

2. They are insecure, self-absorded, unable to grasp the psychology of another person, they literally repel

3. They have no self-awareness, never realise when they are pestering, imposing, talking too much

4. Lack the substance to create the promise of pleasure

5. Argue with unusual tenacity, excessively judgemental

The Brute

1. No patience, concerned only with their own pleasure, never with yours.

( Patient show that you are thinking of the other person, which never fails to impress)

2. They will overreact if you make them wait

Test : Make the person wait & her response will tell you everything

The Suffocator

1. Fall in love with you before you even half-aware of their existence. The trait is DECEPTIVE.

2. Suffer from an inner void, a deep well of NEED that cant be filled

3. They will cling to you until you are forced to pull back

Test : Recognise them by how quickly they adore you. Inability to disagree with you is a bad sign.

The Moralizer

1. They are rigid. People who follow fixed ideas & try to make you bend to their standards.

2. They want to change you, make you a better person, so they endlessly criticise & judge. That is their pleasure in life.

3. Their moral ideas stem from their own happiness & mask their dsire to dominate those around them.

Test : Inability to adapt & to enjoy makes them easy to recognise. Their mental rigidity may also accompanied by a physical stiffness.

The Tightwad

1. Cheapness signals more than a prostitute with money (有钱玩死人, 犯贱, 自己送上门)

2. Most anti-seductive trait of all & you cannot allow yourself to give in to it

3. They imagine that when they give someone party, they are being generous

4. Giving freely both your money & yourself signal a selective generosity

5. Giving too much can be a sign of desperation

The Bumbler

1. They are self-conscious. At first, they may think that they are thinking of you, but in fact they are thinking of themselves. Worry how they look, the consequences of seducing you.

2. Rarely reach the final stage of seduction

3. No sense of timing

4. Incapable of getting outside themselves

The Windbag

1. Talk too much of themselves & talk a lot

2. Deep-rooted selfishness

The Reactor

1. Too sensitive to themselves & not to you

2. Comb your every word & action for signs of a slight to their vanity

3. Prone to whining & complaining

Test : Tell a gentle joke or story at their expense. We should be able to laugh at ourselves but the Reactor cannot. You can read the resentment in their eyes.

The Vulgarian

1. Inattentive to the details

2. Clothes are tasteless by any standard & in their actions.

3. Do not know how to control oneself & refuse to give in to one's impluse

4. Say & blab anything in public

5. No sense of timing & rarely in harmony with your tastes

Test : Indiscretion is a sure sign of the Vulgarian ( talking to others about your affair)

Uses of anti-seduction

1. Use to counter anti-seducer

2. Use to breakup with girlfriend


In the harsh word, the crab survived by its hardened shell, by the threat of its pincers & by burrowing into the sand. No one dares get too close. But the crab cannot surprise its enemy & has little mobility. Its defensive strength is its supreme limitation.


Friday, October 3, 2008

The Seductive Character 9 - The Star



1. Standing out from others through a distinctive & appealing style, they make us want to watch them

2. Keeping their distance, letting us imagine more than is there

3. Two stars --> Fetishistic & Mythic


1. Commands an emotional response & make us breathe life into it

2. Ability to become an object, not just any object but an object we fetishize, one that stimulates a variety of fantasies

3. Principal requirement is self - distance

4. All parts of your body draw this fetishtic attention, the strongest is your face & learn to tune your face like an instrument

5. Your own image & presence are material you can control


1. Figures of myth come to life. Assume the pose of a mythic figure. (the rebel, wise patriarch, adventure)

2. Make these connection vague. Your words & actions should invite interpretation beyond their surface appearance.

3. Deal with matter of life & death, love & hate, authority & chaos


1. Have a large presence that fill your target's mind the way a close-up fills the screen

2. You must have a style or presence that makes you stand out from everyone else

3. Be vague & dreamlike, yet not distant or absent

4. Dont want people to be unable to focus on or remember you. Seeing you in their mind when you are not there.

5. Cultivate a blank & mysterious face. This allows people to read into you whatever they want to.

6. Stars make us want to know more about them. Learn to stir people's curosity by letting them glimpse something in your private life, element of your personality.

7. Stars are playful about themselves, always adjusting their image, adapting it to the times


1. People tire of them - the illusion no longer fascinates & turn to another star

2. Star have a transcendent beauty & too much human frailty will eventually disillusion them

3. Dont let yourself begin to bore them, for boredom is the ultimate social evil

4. Greatest danger is the endless attention they elicit. Obsessive attention can become disconcerting & worse.


A piece of stone carved into the shape of a god, perhaps glittering with gold & jewels. The eyes of the worshippers fill the stones with life, imagining it to have real powers. Its shape allow them to see what they want to see-a-god but is actually just a piece of stone. The god lives in their imagination.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Seductive Character 8 - The Charismatic



Let people believe you have a plan, that you know where you are going, they will follow you instinctively


1. May be both cruel & kind, both excitable & icily detached, both intimate & distant

2. Effect of these contradiction is devastating charismatic

3. Reveal your contradiction slowly, if one shot throw out, people will think you have an erratic personality

4. Keep people at arm's length, keep them from figuring you out


1. Childlike, unwilling to compromise

2. Key is that you must already have some deeply held values

3. The next step is to show that you live what you believe

4. Finally, the appearance of being mild & unassuming can turn into charisma


Words are the quickest way to create emotional disturbance. They can uplift, elevate, stir anger, without referring to anything real


1. Know how to stand on a crowded stage & command attention

2. Essential to be self-aware, to have the ability to see yourself as others see you


1. Show that you are less inhibited than your audience (radiate a dangerous sexuality, have no fear of death , are delightfully spontaneous)

2. Have a dreamlike quality in your work & character that reveals your openess to your unconscious.


1. You need to believe in something & believe in it strongly enough for it to animate all your gestures & make your eyes light up

2. Give them something to believe in


1. Display a need for love & affection

2. Reveal your love for your followers

3. You must never seem manipulative or needy


1. An air of adventure & risk that attracts the bored

2. Be brazen & courageous in your action


1. Eyes is the physical attribute in seduction

2. Indirect communication is critical in seduction

3. Their eyes may disturbs their target's emotions

4. The eyes of the Chaismatic never show fear or nerves


1. Charisma is as volatile as the emotion stirs. Most often it stirs sentiment of love. Such feelings are hard to maintain.

2. Erotic fatigue --> moment after love in which you feel tired, resentful. Reality creeps in love, love turns to hate.

3. Too much charisma for too long creates fatigue, a desire for calmness & order


Invisible to the eyes, a current flowing through a wire in a glass vessel generates a heat that turns into candescence. All we see is the glow. In the prevailing darkness, the Lamp lights the way.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Seductive Character 7 - The Charmer



1. Fulfil the aspects of sexuality which is focused attention, the boosted self-esteem, the pleasure wooing, the understanding but subtract the sex itself

2. Charm cannot exist without a hint of sexual tension

3. Secret to capture people's attention is to strike at the things they have least control over ; their ego, vanity & self-esteem

Make your target the centre of attention

1. Learn to listen & observe. Let your target talk, revealing themselves in the process.

2. Find out more about them especially their "weakness" & tailor your flatteries to their insecurities

3. By adapting to their spirit & empathizing, you can make them feel bigger & better

4. Make them the star of the show & they will become addicited to you & grow dependent on you

5. On mass level, make gestures of self-sacrifice (no matter how fake) to show the public that you share their pain

Be a source of pleasure

1. Listen to your target's complaints, but important, distract them from their problems by giving them pleasure ( Do this often enough & they will fall under your spell)

2. Being lighthearted & fun is always more charming than being serious & critical

3. Elegance & style usually win out over vulgarity

Bring antagonism into harmony

1. The charm knows how to smooth out conflict. Let those aggressive have their little victories.

2. Give in will charm the fight out of any potential enemies

3. Never criticize people or you will make them insecure & resistant will change

4. Plant ideas, insinuate suggestion

Lure your victims into ease & comfort

1. The more relaxed the target, the easier it is to bend her to your will

2. The key is to make them feel comfortable so you can adapt to their mood & mirror them

Show calm & self-possesion in the face of adversity

1. Adversity & setback provide the perfect setting for charm

2. Never show anger, ill temper or vengefulness. This will make people feel defensive.

3. Let others flustered & upset. Never whine, complain or try to justify yourself.

Make yourself useful

1. Social skills is important because it create a wide network of allies & they will give you the power to link people with each other

2. By doing so, they will feel that by knowing you they can make their lives easier

3. Follow through is a key. Many people will charm by promising a person great things like job, new contract, big favor.

4. Your ability to come through in the end, following up your promise with a definite action

(Eg. If someone does you a favour, show your gratitude concretely)

Keys of a charm

1. Dont talk much about themselves, which heightens their mystery & disguise their limitation

2. Dependence is the source of the charmer's power

3. Emotional person is a distracted person

4. Make them feel superior to you

5. Adapt to their mood & enter their spirit


1. Confident type of people are immune to a charmer. The solution is to befriend & charm as many people as possible & secure your power through numbers.

2. Timing is everything. Charmers must know when to hibernate & when the times are ripe for their persuasive powers.


Your spirits holds a mirror up to others. When they see you they see themselves; their values, tastes, even their flaws. Their lifelong love affair with their own image is comfortable & hyponotic, so feed it. No one ever sees what is behind the mirror.


The Seductive Character 6 - The Hot & Cold



1. Ability to trap people emotionally, keep their victim in their clutches

2. Cold & distant creatures

3. Masters of the emotional withdrawal. It give people the idea of they dont really like us, perhaps we have lost interest.

4. Understand another quality : narcissism (self sufficient)

5. When you are cold, the victim will give you incessant attention to gain your love & failing

6. Self-esteem is critical in seduction. Low self-esteem repels, confidence & self-sufficiency attract.

7. The less you seem to need other people, the more likely others will be drawn to you

8. Talking endlessly about yourself is anti-seductive, revealing not self-sufficiency but insecurity

9. The HOT & COLD must first be able to excite the target of his attention. At the same time, you send contrary signals that stimulate contrary responses & pluging the victim into confusion.

10. The key is to give pleasure, then withdraws it

11. Tears, anger & production of guilt are tools of the HOT & COLD

(Eg. When couples quarrel, fights & then reconciled. The joy of reconcilment make the attachment stronger)

12. Sadness - it seems deep rooted, even spiritual, rather than needy or pathetic, it makes people come to you

13. Masters of inciting jealously : by paying attention to a third party, creating triangle of desire, they signal to their victims that they may not be interested.

14. Ability to use third parties to make target jealous is a critical seductive skill

15. Hot & Cold is extremely effective on a group, stimulating jealousy, love & intense devotion

16. If you want to play such a role with a group, remember to keep an emotional & physical distance


1. They play with volatile emotions & therefore it will lead LOVE shift to HATE as times goes by

2. Timing is everything

3. The Cold can stimulate deep hatred. The hatred they stir can be insidious & dangerous, for it may not be counterbalanced by a deep love.

4. Realise the limits of the game & disturbing effects they have on less stable people


It cannot be grasped. Chase your shadow & it will flee, turn your back on it & it will follow you. It is also a person's dark side, the thing that makes them mysterious. After they have given us pleasure, the shadow of their withdrawal makes us yearn for their return, much as clouds make us yearn for the sun.


Monday, September 29, 2008

The Seductive Character 5 - The Natural



1. Let go to a degree that there is nothing less natural than seeming hesitant

2. Position yourself in any relationship as the child, the younger one

The Innocent

1. Weakness & misunderstanding

2. Mixture of laughter & sympathy

3. Exaggerate their weakness to elict the proper sympathy

4. Communicate weakness indirectly, through looks & glances or situations they get themselves into.

The Imp

1. Fearlessness. They do not see the possible consequences of their actions.

2. Brazen & uncaring

3. Dont worry about offending people now & then - you are too lovable & inevitably they will forgive you

4. Whatever you say or do, show that you dont take anything seriously

The Wonder

1. A gift in a particular skill

2. Hide the talent & learn to make your work appear effortless

3. More you hide, more natural & seductive it will appear

The Undefensive Lover

1. Defensiveness is deadly in seduction. Act defensive & you'll bring out defensiveness in other people.

2. Lower the inhibitions of his target

3. Be open to influence from others

4. Resistance is a way of testing you, if you show any awkwardness or hesistation, you will fail the test, but you will risk infecting them with your doubts


1. Can also be irritating but with the combination of adult experience & wisdom, it is most alluring

2. Only artists or people with abundant leisure time can do it

3. Best way to use is to lower your target's defenses

4. NATURAL pose is the perfect way to disguise your cleverness but if you cant control, it is not earning sympathy but pity & digust.

5. Cant use this technique when you are aging


So soft & endearing. At 2 days old, the lamb can play gracefully ; within a week it is playing "Follow the Leader". Its weakness is part of its charm. The Lamb is pure innocence, so innocent we want to possess it, even devour it.


The Seductive Character 4 - The Dandy



1. Display a true & radical difference from other people, the appearance & manners

2. Never vulgar, poke fun at current trends & styles & supremely uninterested in what anyone else is doing.

3. Traditionally defined by clothing & certainly createa unique visual style

4. Never try hard for attention - attention comes to them

5. Create your own fashion sense by adapting & altering prevailing styles to make yourself an object of fascination

6. Impudent is the key. Dont give a damn & never try to please.

7. Masters of the art of living. They live for pleasure, not for work.

8. Another key is to make everything an aesthetic choice. Your ability to allevaite boredom by making life an art.

9. A more feminine features have more seductive power ( Guys that are girly)

10. Learn to be both masculine & feminine, impudent & charming, subtle & outragerous


1. Come from your own sex. ( Valentino is the example. Man hated him )

2. Accept the society's occasional gibes with grace & insolence.

3. Measure out his impudence. Know the difference between teasing of the powerful remark that will truly hurt, offend or insult.

4. Avoid insulting those in a position to injure you

5. In work world, you have to modify & tone down your image. Dont challenge the group's convention & make others feel insecure.


Its shape & colour oddly suggest both sexes, its odor is sweet & decadent - it is a tropical flower of evil. Delicate & highly cultivated, it is prized for its rarity, unlike other flowers.


The Seductive Character 3 - The Ideal Lover



1. Ability to observe. Ignore their word's & conscious behaviour, focus on the tone of their voice, a blush here or there. (those signs that betray what their words wont say)

2. Key point is a sense of absolute devotion (sacrificing for her)

3. You dont put yourself & your own interests first. So a woman is attracted to the intense attention of such a man

4. Seduce people by appealing to their higher selves


1. If the faults turn too ugly, your target will see through you & you have to find a new place to start again

2. When reality intrudes, distance is often the solution ( idealise each other)

3. It is always wise to be prudent & keep people from glimpsing the less-than-ideal side of your character


Under his eyes, all of your physical imperfection disappear. He brings out noble qualities in you, frames you in a myth, makes you godlike, immortalise you.


Friday, September 26, 2008

The Seductive Character 2 - The Rake



1. Convey a sense of risk & darkness, suggesting to your victim that she is something rare & thrilling

2. Ability to let yourself go, to draw woman into the kind of purely sensual moment in which past & future lose meaning

3. Make them feel that you exist for them alone - a feeling reflecting a truth, through a temporary one

4. Immune to resistance. The more the resistance, it rise the desire

5. If no resistances or obstacles face you, you must create them

6. Extreme personality -> Impudent, sarcastic & bitingly witty. Care nothing for what anyone thinks

7. Most seductive qualities is his ability to make women want to reform him

8. Greatest asset is his reputation. Never downplay your bad name or seem to apologise for it. EMBRACE & ENHANCE it. It is what draws women to you.

9. Uncontrollable devotion to pleasure, rebellions streak that makes you dangerous


1. Only stars & the very wealthy can play RAKE

2. Easily offend husband or boyfriend

3. Accept ENVY as a badge of honour


The Rake burns with a desire that enflames the woman he is seducing. It is uncontrollable, extreme & dangerous. The flames surrounding him often make him seem much more desirable to women.


The Seductive Character 1 - The Siren



1. Operates well on the rigid masculine type (Eg. soldier or hero)

2. Rare thing & valuable prize to be wrested away from other man

3. Able to get the male to pursue her so feverishly that he loses control

4. A touch of dangerous

5. Most important element is PHYSICAL

(Eg. scent, heightened feminity through make up or clothing)

6. Dont confuse Siren appearance with physical beauty

(Eg. Face --> A beautiful face creates too much distance & coldness )

7. Best way is to create an overall impression that is both distracting & alluring

8. Voice --> sweet-sounding voicen, langurous, childlike , calm & unhurried

9. Body --> Clothes & make ups, accessories, reveal on part of body

10. Movement & Demeanor --> Ways one walk, manners, gestures


Age. One pass a certain age will find impression hard to project.


The song of the siren is liquid & enticing & the siren herself is fluid & ungraspable. Like the sea, the siren lures you with promises of infinite advent & pleasure.


The Seductive Character - Introduction

In this chapter, i will introduce different types of seductive character one possess.

They are total 10 types of characters that i need to touch on. You have to distinguish which type suit you the best.

You can have some mixed between the characters.

You need to understand all of them in order to proceed to the next phase.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Art of Seduction Phase 1 - Create Temptation


1. Find that weakness of theirs, the fantasy that has yet realised, hint that you can lead them toward it.

(Eg. Wealth, Adventure, could be forbidden & guilty pleasures)

2. Key is to keep it vague. Postpone satisfaction & let their mind do the rest.

3. Stimulate a curiosity stronger than doubts & anxieties


1. What people want is not temptation, they want to give into temptation, to yield.

2. Your task is to create a temptation stronger than daily variety. It has to focus on them & aimed at them as individuals at their WEAKNESS.

3. Everyone has a principal weakness --> (childhood insecurity, lack in their life)

4. Some weakness may be greed, vanity, boredom, some deep repressed desire.

5. Know their weakness from their style, past romances or their past. Search in their past, whatever they seem to fear or flee from that might hold the key

6. Give someone weak the chance to have what they are after by merely placing yourself within their reach.

7. Temptation is often a matter of timing , crossing the path of the weak at the right moment, giving them the chance to surrender.


Target a married woman who does not get enough security from her husband. Attack the insecurity by creating temptation.


1. The reverse of temptation is security or satisfaction

2. If you cant tempt someone out of their habitual comfort, you cannot seduce them

3. No seduction can proceed without some form of temptation

4. Always plan carefully, tailoring it to the weakness & childishness in your particular target


The fruit looks deeply inviting & you are not supposed to eat ; it is forbidden. But that is why you think of it day & night. You see it but cannot have it. The only way to get rid of the temptation is to yield & taste the fruit.

KEYWORD : 满足弱点

Art of Seduction Phase 1 - Enter their Spirit


1. Most people are locked in their own worlds, making them stubborn & hard to persuade. The way to lure them out & set up your seduction is to ENTER THEIR SPIRIT.

2. Play by their rules, enjoy what they enjoy, adapt yourself to their moods

3. Once you have entered their spirit, you can make them enter yours

4. Indulge your target's every mood & whim , giving them nothing to react against or resist


1. Indulging a person is a form of entering their spirit, letting them dominate for the time being

2. Entering someone's spirit is perhaps the most devilish of all. It gives your victims the feeling that they are seducing you.

3. It give an impression that you are not a dangerous seducer to be wary of, but someone compliant & unthreatening.

4. A hard shell forms around us. We are interested in our own image, our own body, tastes, opinions & experiences. The only way to entice them is to become like them, in fact a kind of mirror image of them.

5. Conform to their mood, adapt to their tastes, play along with whatever they send your way. By doing this, it will lower their natural defensiveness.

6. People truly love themselves, but what they love most of all is to see their tastes & ideas reflected in another person.

7. Now their inner wall has crumbled, you can slowly draw them out. Once they are opened to you, it become easy to infect them with your own moods & heat.

8. You must too contain some feminity in you so that it allow flexibility to enter their spirit.

(Eg. Make up, Sewing, Cookery)

9. When you mirror people, you focus intense attention on them. They will sense the effort you are making & will find it flattering. You have chosen them , seperating them out from the rest. There seems to be nothing else in your life but them.

10. The more you focus on them , the deeper the spell you produce.

11. Another method is to enter the spirit of that ideal person they wanted to be.

(Eg. Young woman may felt deeply oppressed by the lack of romance. Try to mirror yourself as a romatic ideals.)

12. Entering another's spirit is perhaps the most effective kind because it makes people feel better about themselves. They live the life of the person they had wanted to be.

13. Discover those crushed ideals & mirror them , bringing them back to life by reflecting them back to your target.


Even if you really dislike clubbing, and the gal you are interested likes clubbing, join her activity and make her feel that you are one of them. Once she is comfortable with you, try to bring her out from her world and entice her to your world.


1. Entry into a person's spirit must be a tactic, a way to bring her under your spell


2. Mirror them for too long & they will see through you & repelled by you

3. You must have a strong underlying sense of your own identity. When the time comes, you will want to lead them into your spirit. You cannot live on their turf.

4. Never take mirroring too far. Only useful in the FIRST phase


The lark is a savory bird, but difficult to catch. In the field, the hunter places a mirror on a stand. The lark lands in front of the glass & are hypnotise by its own moving image & mating dance. The bird loses all sense of its surroundings, until the hunter's net traps it against the mirror.

KEYWORD : 对方世界

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Art of Seduction Phase 1 - Master the Art of Insinuation


1. Art of planting ideas in people's minds by dropping elusive hints that take root days later, even appearing to them as their own idea

2. Dont make it too obvious, they will see through you & grow defensive

3. Make everything suggestive


1. A piece of information or instruction is that, in the case of a suggestion, an idea is aroused in another person's brain which is not examined but accepted just as though it has arisen spontaneously in that brain

2. Better not to talk about your love for a person. Let your target read it in your manner. Silence will have more insinuating power.

3. Pay attention to gestures & looks. Try to read people's faces, which are often better indicators of their feelings. People are always reading your looks.

4. Due to the lack of suggestion & ambiguity in daily life, the person who uses them suddenly seems alluring & full of promises.

5. It is a kind of guessing game. What is this person up to? What does he mean? Hints, suggestion create a seductive atmosphere signaling to them that they no longer involved in routine life but has entered another realm.


Try to hint the gal by showing care and concern. ( Eg. sending her to bus stop everyday)


1. The danger in insinuation is that the ambiguous you leave may make the target misread

2. If you sense that the target is easily yours, go for the DIRECT ATTACK

3. If not, the direct attack will raise the defense & suspcious and make seduction impossible

4. When in doubt, indirect is the better route


The soil is carefully prepared. The seeds are planted months in advance. Once they are in the ground, no one knows what hand threw them there. DISGUISE your manipulations by planting seeds that take root on their own.


Art of Seduction Phase 1 - Create a Need


1. A perfectly satisfied person cannot be seduced

2. Tension & disharmony must be instilled in your targets' minds

3. Stir within them feelings of discontent (unhappiness, life lack adventure)

4. Make them see you as the answer to their problems


1. Begin a relationship in a friendship manner - with frank talks, exchanges of confidences , a spiritual bond. Suddenly turn against them, voicing harsh personal critiscisms.

2. By the time, critiscism are often accurate & it trigger a confusion in your victims

3. Now, they wondered why you are doing this & felt unfair. With other (mind) half they believed it was true.

4. Finally, you go back to your normal self & they will see you indifferently

5. No one can see you as someone to fall in love with unless they first reflect on themselves somehow & what they are missing.

6. Make aware of a lack (emptiness), they now can focus on you as the person who can fill that empty space

7. Make people anxious about the future, make them depressed, make them sense the boredom in their life.

(Demoralise them & compare them to others what they lack of )

8. Try to position yourself as coming from outside or stranger. You represent CHANGE, DIFFERENCE & BREAKUP ROUTINES.

(Other circumstances play a role, DULL people they know )

9. Aim at the victim's past. Present yourself as representing that ideal, offering a chance to recapture lost youth.

(Let her feel how youthful was she in the past )

10. Made people feel BETTER about themselves. This is a kind of diffused seduction. It bypasses the need for some kind of fulfilment. If you are there, it can be a way to lower their defense, creating an unthreatening friendship.

( Only apply to people that riddle with insecurities)


1. After getting a contact number from a gal, try to message her everyday. Make her get use to your sweet talk and suddenly you dont message her.

2. Try targeting problem child. (Ah Lian) Problem child tend to have some empty spaces for you to fill.


If you go too far in lowering the target's self-esteem, they feel too insecure to enter into your seduction. ( Always follow up after a wounding attack)


What awakens desire in the seduced is not a soft touch or a pleasant sensation, it is a WOUND. The arrow creates a pain, an ache, a need for RELIEF. Before desire, there must be pain. Aim the arrow at the victim's WEAKEST spot, creating a wound that you can OPEN & REOPEN.


Art of Seduction Phase 1 -Appear to Be an Object of Desire


1. Manufacture the illusion of popularity by surrounding yourself with members of opposite sex-friends, former lovers, present suitors.

2. Create triangles that stimulate rivalry & raise your value


1. Impose another person between you and your victim & make your victim aware of how much this other person wants you.

2. Surround yourself with admirers, reveal your past conquests. Make your target compete with your past & your present

( A person will desire any object so long as he is convinced that it is desired by another person whom he admires)

3. If a woman you are interested in, pay attention to her sister. This will stir a triangular desire.

4. Make your target chat with the most boring person available in a social affair, come to her rescue & your target will be delighted to see you.

5. Develop & display attractive attributes ( humor) or choose a group that your natural qualities are rare & will shine.

6. Do not let your target see you so often, keep a distance.

( An object that is rare & hard to obtain is generally more prized.)


Try to surround yourself with a group of gals. This will give an impression that you are popular among them and let people wonder how you manage to handle so many gals.




What makes you want to win the trophy as its something worth having. Some, out of a spirit of kindness, may want to reward everyone for trying, but the Trophy then loses its value. It must represent not only VICTORY but EVERYONE ELSE'S DEFEAT.

(Imagine yourself as the trophy)


Art of Seduction Phase 1 -Create a False Sense of Security


Once people aware of your presence or vaguely have an impression of you, you need to

1. Stir their interest before it settles on someone else

2. Send mixed signals , both tough & tender, innocent & cunning


1. Fill someone's mind with your image

2. Attract their attention with your innonence, beauty & flirtious but not obession

3. Hint at a complexity & once they begin to fantasize about you, that's it!

4. Key to both attracting & holding attention is to radiate mystery. How?
(How? Something you have to work at , a poly on your part. Let one part of your character show so that everyone notices it.)

5. Send mixed signal that you are not what you seem. Dont worry about whether if it is a negative one. By doing this, you will draw attention.

6. Show attributes that go against your physical appearance, creating depth & mystery


If you are innocent & sweet, let out hints of something dark & cruel in your character


1. Affect people that have the capacity to enjoy mystery
( Some people like things SIMPLE & LACK PATIENCE to pursue a person who confuse them)

2. Test out what the character the victim is. Do not bother creating depth for people who are insensitive or may even put off / distributed.


On stage, the curtain's heavy deep-red folds attract your eye with their hypnotic surface. What really fascinates & draw you in is what you think might happen behind the curtain.

KEYWORD : 深刻印象

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Art of Seduction Phase 1 -Create a False Sense of Security


1. Never be direct early or else you risk stirring up a resistance.

2. Begin at an angle, indirectly, so that target only gradually become aware of you.

3. Approach through third party, maintain neutral relationship moving from FRIEND to LOVER.

4. Arrange an occasional "chance" encounter as if you all are destined to be acquaintance.

5. Let them feel secure then STRIKE.


1. Friendly conversation brings you valuable information about their character, tastes and their weaknesses.

2. Spending more time with your targets make them comfortable with you. (result will be their resistance & usual tension will be lower)

3. Make the target come to you. (How? Befriend them & maintain a distance appropriate for friends)

4. Play cat & mouse, first interested then stepping back.

5. Too much attention early will suggest insecurity & raise doubt to motives. (you can never understand the opposite sex)

6. Never mention love. They will start to imagine what else is going on in your mind. They will be the ones to bring up the topic of love.

7. Getting your target through other people is effective. (gain information & find a way to approach her in an unthreatening manner)

8. Don't declare feeling early because it provokes mistrust.

9. Learn to disguise your feeling & let people figure out what is happening for themselves.


Get to know the girl that you like through a friend of hers.


You can strike an immediate impression, stirring her desire at the first encounter but this one is a short seduction.


The spider sits quietly in the corner, waiting for its victims to come to it on their own & ensnare themselves in the web.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Art of Seduction Phase 1 -Choose the Right Victim

Victim - isolated, unhappy & suffer recent misfortune

Note: completely contented person is impossible to seduce


1. Make victim emotional at the right moment

2. Know when & how to restrain themselves

3. Go for the thrill of chase, life & death struggle, the fiercer the better

4. People who are outwardly distant or shy are often better targets

5. People with a lot of time on their hands. (Mental space for you to fill)

6. Seduction demands attention & don't target busy people

7. Perfect victim are people who think you have something they don't and want it provided for them. Your character must be different from them and this different create an exciting tension


1.Woman who looks sideways at you (blush & unusual shyness)

2.Do not go for a friend that you know for years. Choose one who is completely new to you.

3.Go for problem child. She always has problems for you to fill up and this is a good chance for seduction. "Ah Lian" will be the most appropriate example.


Don't seduce the person who is closed to you or who can't provide the pleasure & chase that you need.


Lions are dangerous. To hunt them is to know the thrill of risk. Leopards are clever & swift, offering the excitement of a difficult chase. Never rush into the hunt. Know your prey & choose it carefully.

Do not waste time with small game - rabbits that back into snores, the mink that walk into a scented trap.



Thursday, July 24, 2008

Art of Seduction - Introduction

I had come across this book "Art of Seduction" by Robert Green.

It is a very interesting book that teaches you how to seduce a woman. In his book, he uses woman as "victim". It is a nice word to guys but offensive to gals.

I will slowly reveal the POWER of this book and quote real life examples to support his theories. If one needs more detail explanation, you can get his book at the bookstore. It is red in colour.

So everyone please be patient as i will slowly explain some key points in the book that will help guys to seduce the victim.

What i feel about this book is that it is more relevant for GUYS than gals.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wedding Photo - Indoor

Credit Card

Best Credit Cards

UOB One Card
- Rebate of $30 with 3 consecutive month of $300 spending
- Rebate of $80 with 3 consecutive month of $800 spending

Citibank Dividend Card
-Petrol 5%
-Dining 2%
-Groceries 2%
-Pharmaceuticals 2%
-All Other Spend 0.5%

HSBC Gold Card
-$1 off for GV movies

Wedding Photo - Traditional

Dance Video

This is a performance after the wedding in the KTV.


Types of insurance an individual needs

1. Whole Life

2. Investment -Linked

This will depend on an individual personal preference.

After some reading from Dr. Money, i do find that he really 'Makes Sense'

His recommendation is D.I.Y :

1. Buy a term insurance

2. Invest seperately through unit trusts.

The reasons:

1. Do not have to pay for distribution costs. ( Normally it is cost you 12 - 15 mths of premiums)

2. It is transparent as you can see how much profit you are making as compared to Whole-Life plans

Wedding Photo - Casual