Thursday, September 25, 2008

Art of Seduction Phase 1 - Enter their Spirit


1. Most people are locked in their own worlds, making them stubborn & hard to persuade. The way to lure them out & set up your seduction is to ENTER THEIR SPIRIT.

2. Play by their rules, enjoy what they enjoy, adapt yourself to their moods

3. Once you have entered their spirit, you can make them enter yours

4. Indulge your target's every mood & whim , giving them nothing to react against or resist


1. Indulging a person is a form of entering their spirit, letting them dominate for the time being

2. Entering someone's spirit is perhaps the most devilish of all. It gives your victims the feeling that they are seducing you.

3. It give an impression that you are not a dangerous seducer to be wary of, but someone compliant & unthreatening.

4. A hard shell forms around us. We are interested in our own image, our own body, tastes, opinions & experiences. The only way to entice them is to become like them, in fact a kind of mirror image of them.

5. Conform to their mood, adapt to their tastes, play along with whatever they send your way. By doing this, it will lower their natural defensiveness.

6. People truly love themselves, but what they love most of all is to see their tastes & ideas reflected in another person.

7. Now their inner wall has crumbled, you can slowly draw them out. Once they are opened to you, it become easy to infect them with your own moods & heat.

8. You must too contain some feminity in you so that it allow flexibility to enter their spirit.

(Eg. Make up, Sewing, Cookery)

9. When you mirror people, you focus intense attention on them. They will sense the effort you are making & will find it flattering. You have chosen them , seperating them out from the rest. There seems to be nothing else in your life but them.

10. The more you focus on them , the deeper the spell you produce.

11. Another method is to enter the spirit of that ideal person they wanted to be.

(Eg. Young woman may felt deeply oppressed by the lack of romance. Try to mirror yourself as a romatic ideals.)

12. Entering another's spirit is perhaps the most effective kind because it makes people feel better about themselves. They live the life of the person they had wanted to be.

13. Discover those crushed ideals & mirror them , bringing them back to life by reflecting them back to your target.


Even if you really dislike clubbing, and the gal you are interested likes clubbing, join her activity and make her feel that you are one of them. Once she is comfortable with you, try to bring her out from her world and entice her to your world.


1. Entry into a person's spirit must be a tactic, a way to bring her under your spell


2. Mirror them for too long & they will see through you & repelled by you

3. You must have a strong underlying sense of your own identity. When the time comes, you will want to lead them into your spirit. You cannot live on their turf.

4. Never take mirroring too far. Only useful in the FIRST phase


The lark is a savory bird, but difficult to catch. In the field, the hunter places a mirror on a stand. The lark lands in front of the glass & are hypnotise by its own moving image & mating dance. The bird loses all sense of its surroundings, until the hunter's net traps it against the mirror.

KEYWORD : 对方世界

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