Monday, September 29, 2008

The Seductive Character 3 - The Ideal Lover



1. Ability to observe. Ignore their word's & conscious behaviour, focus on the tone of their voice, a blush here or there. (those signs that betray what their words wont say)

2. Key point is a sense of absolute devotion (sacrificing for her)

3. You dont put yourself & your own interests first. So a woman is attracted to the intense attention of such a man

4. Seduce people by appealing to their higher selves


1. If the faults turn too ugly, your target will see through you & you have to find a new place to start again

2. When reality intrudes, distance is often the solution ( idealise each other)

3. It is always wise to be prudent & keep people from glimpsing the less-than-ideal side of your character


Under his eyes, all of your physical imperfection disappear. He brings out noble qualities in you, frames you in a myth, makes you godlike, immortalise you.


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