Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Seductive Character 7 - The Charmer



1. Fulfil the aspects of sexuality which is focused attention, the boosted self-esteem, the pleasure wooing, the understanding but subtract the sex itself

2. Charm cannot exist without a hint of sexual tension

3. Secret to capture people's attention is to strike at the things they have least control over ; their ego, vanity & self-esteem

Make your target the centre of attention

1. Learn to listen & observe. Let your target talk, revealing themselves in the process.

2. Find out more about them especially their "weakness" & tailor your flatteries to their insecurities

3. By adapting to their spirit & empathizing, you can make them feel bigger & better

4. Make them the star of the show & they will become addicited to you & grow dependent on you

5. On mass level, make gestures of self-sacrifice (no matter how fake) to show the public that you share their pain

Be a source of pleasure

1. Listen to your target's complaints, but important, distract them from their problems by giving them pleasure ( Do this often enough & they will fall under your spell)

2. Being lighthearted & fun is always more charming than being serious & critical

3. Elegance & style usually win out over vulgarity

Bring antagonism into harmony

1. The charm knows how to smooth out conflict. Let those aggressive have their little victories.

2. Give in will charm the fight out of any potential enemies

3. Never criticize people or you will make them insecure & resistant will change

4. Plant ideas, insinuate suggestion

Lure your victims into ease & comfort

1. The more relaxed the target, the easier it is to bend her to your will

2. The key is to make them feel comfortable so you can adapt to their mood & mirror them

Show calm & self-possesion in the face of adversity

1. Adversity & setback provide the perfect setting for charm

2. Never show anger, ill temper or vengefulness. This will make people feel defensive.

3. Let others flustered & upset. Never whine, complain or try to justify yourself.

Make yourself useful

1. Social skills is important because it create a wide network of allies & they will give you the power to link people with each other

2. By doing so, they will feel that by knowing you they can make their lives easier

3. Follow through is a key. Many people will charm by promising a person great things like job, new contract, big favor.

4. Your ability to come through in the end, following up your promise with a definite action

(Eg. If someone does you a favour, show your gratitude concretely)

Keys of a charm

1. Dont talk much about themselves, which heightens their mystery & disguise their limitation

2. Dependence is the source of the charmer's power

3. Emotional person is a distracted person

4. Make them feel superior to you

5. Adapt to their mood & enter their spirit


1. Confident type of people are immune to a charmer. The solution is to befriend & charm as many people as possible & secure your power through numbers.

2. Timing is everything. Charmers must know when to hibernate & when the times are ripe for their persuasive powers.


Your spirits holds a mirror up to others. When they see you they see themselves; their values, tastes, even their flaws. Their lifelong love affair with their own image is comfortable & hyponotic, so feed it. No one ever sees what is behind the mirror.


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