Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Seductive Character 8 - The Charismatic



Let people believe you have a plan, that you know where you are going, they will follow you instinctively


1. May be both cruel & kind, both excitable & icily detached, both intimate & distant

2. Effect of these contradiction is devastating charismatic

3. Reveal your contradiction slowly, if one shot throw out, people will think you have an erratic personality

4. Keep people at arm's length, keep them from figuring you out


1. Childlike, unwilling to compromise

2. Key is that you must already have some deeply held values

3. The next step is to show that you live what you believe

4. Finally, the appearance of being mild & unassuming can turn into charisma


Words are the quickest way to create emotional disturbance. They can uplift, elevate, stir anger, without referring to anything real


1. Know how to stand on a crowded stage & command attention

2. Essential to be self-aware, to have the ability to see yourself as others see you


1. Show that you are less inhibited than your audience (radiate a dangerous sexuality, have no fear of death , are delightfully spontaneous)

2. Have a dreamlike quality in your work & character that reveals your openess to your unconscious.


1. You need to believe in something & believe in it strongly enough for it to animate all your gestures & make your eyes light up

2. Give them something to believe in


1. Display a need for love & affection

2. Reveal your love for your followers

3. You must never seem manipulative or needy


1. An air of adventure & risk that attracts the bored

2. Be brazen & courageous in your action


1. Eyes is the physical attribute in seduction

2. Indirect communication is critical in seduction

3. Their eyes may disturbs their target's emotions

4. The eyes of the Chaismatic never show fear or nerves


1. Charisma is as volatile as the emotion stirs. Most often it stirs sentiment of love. Such feelings are hard to maintain.

2. Erotic fatigue --> moment after love in which you feel tired, resentful. Reality creeps in love, love turns to hate.

3. Too much charisma for too long creates fatigue, a desire for calmness & order


Invisible to the eyes, a current flowing through a wire in a glass vessel generates a heat that turns into candescence. All we see is the glow. In the prevailing darkness, the Lamp lights the way.


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