Friday, October 3, 2008

The Seductive Character 9 - The Star



1. Standing out from others through a distinctive & appealing style, they make us want to watch them

2. Keeping their distance, letting us imagine more than is there

3. Two stars --> Fetishistic & Mythic


1. Commands an emotional response & make us breathe life into it

2. Ability to become an object, not just any object but an object we fetishize, one that stimulates a variety of fantasies

3. Principal requirement is self - distance

4. All parts of your body draw this fetishtic attention, the strongest is your face & learn to tune your face like an instrument

5. Your own image & presence are material you can control


1. Figures of myth come to life. Assume the pose of a mythic figure. (the rebel, wise patriarch, adventure)

2. Make these connection vague. Your words & actions should invite interpretation beyond their surface appearance.

3. Deal with matter of life & death, love & hate, authority & chaos


1. Have a large presence that fill your target's mind the way a close-up fills the screen

2. You must have a style or presence that makes you stand out from everyone else

3. Be vague & dreamlike, yet not distant or absent

4. Dont want people to be unable to focus on or remember you. Seeing you in their mind when you are not there.

5. Cultivate a blank & mysterious face. This allows people to read into you whatever they want to.

6. Stars make us want to know more about them. Learn to stir people's curosity by letting them glimpse something in your private life, element of your personality.

7. Stars are playful about themselves, always adjusting their image, adapting it to the times


1. People tire of them - the illusion no longer fascinates & turn to another star

2. Star have a transcendent beauty & too much human frailty will eventually disillusion them

3. Dont let yourself begin to bore them, for boredom is the ultimate social evil

4. Greatest danger is the endless attention they elicit. Obsessive attention can become disconcerting & worse.


A piece of stone carved into the shape of a god, perhaps glittering with gold & jewels. The eyes of the worshippers fill the stones with life, imagining it to have real powers. Its shape allow them to see what they want to see-a-god but is actually just a piece of stone. The god lives in their imagination.


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