Monday, October 6, 2008

The Seductive Character 10 - The Anti Seducer



1. Draw victim by focused, individualised attention they pay

2. They are insecure, self-absorded, unable to grasp the psychology of another person, they literally repel

3. They have no self-awareness, never realise when they are pestering, imposing, talking too much

4. Lack the substance to create the promise of pleasure

5. Argue with unusual tenacity, excessively judgemental

The Brute

1. No patience, concerned only with their own pleasure, never with yours.

( Patient show that you are thinking of the other person, which never fails to impress)

2. They will overreact if you make them wait

Test : Make the person wait & her response will tell you everything

The Suffocator

1. Fall in love with you before you even half-aware of their existence. The trait is DECEPTIVE.

2. Suffer from an inner void, a deep well of NEED that cant be filled

3. They will cling to you until you are forced to pull back

Test : Recognise them by how quickly they adore you. Inability to disagree with you is a bad sign.

The Moralizer

1. They are rigid. People who follow fixed ideas & try to make you bend to their standards.

2. They want to change you, make you a better person, so they endlessly criticise & judge. That is their pleasure in life.

3. Their moral ideas stem from their own happiness & mask their dsire to dominate those around them.

Test : Inability to adapt & to enjoy makes them easy to recognise. Their mental rigidity may also accompanied by a physical stiffness.

The Tightwad

1. Cheapness signals more than a prostitute with money (有钱玩死人, 犯贱, 自己送上门)

2. Most anti-seductive trait of all & you cannot allow yourself to give in to it

3. They imagine that when they give someone party, they are being generous

4. Giving freely both your money & yourself signal a selective generosity

5. Giving too much can be a sign of desperation

The Bumbler

1. They are self-conscious. At first, they may think that they are thinking of you, but in fact they are thinking of themselves. Worry how they look, the consequences of seducing you.

2. Rarely reach the final stage of seduction

3. No sense of timing

4. Incapable of getting outside themselves

The Windbag

1. Talk too much of themselves & talk a lot

2. Deep-rooted selfishness

The Reactor

1. Too sensitive to themselves & not to you

2. Comb your every word & action for signs of a slight to their vanity

3. Prone to whining & complaining

Test : Tell a gentle joke or story at their expense. We should be able to laugh at ourselves but the Reactor cannot. You can read the resentment in their eyes.

The Vulgarian

1. Inattentive to the details

2. Clothes are tasteless by any standard & in their actions.

3. Do not know how to control oneself & refuse to give in to one's impluse

4. Say & blab anything in public

5. No sense of timing & rarely in harmony with your tastes

Test : Indiscretion is a sure sign of the Vulgarian ( talking to others about your affair)

Uses of anti-seduction

1. Use to counter anti-seducer

2. Use to breakup with girlfriend


In the harsh word, the crab survived by its hardened shell, by the threat of its pincers & by burrowing into the sand. No one dares get too close. But the crab cannot surprise its enemy & has little mobility. Its defensive strength is its supreme limitation.


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