Sunday, July 27, 2008

Art of Seduction Phase 1 -Create a False Sense of Security


1. Never be direct early or else you risk stirring up a resistance.

2. Begin at an angle, indirectly, so that target only gradually become aware of you.

3. Approach through third party, maintain neutral relationship moving from FRIEND to LOVER.

4. Arrange an occasional "chance" encounter as if you all are destined to be acquaintance.

5. Let them feel secure then STRIKE.


1. Friendly conversation brings you valuable information about their character, tastes and their weaknesses.

2. Spending more time with your targets make them comfortable with you. (result will be their resistance & usual tension will be lower)

3. Make the target come to you. (How? Befriend them & maintain a distance appropriate for friends)

4. Play cat & mouse, first interested then stepping back.

5. Too much attention early will suggest insecurity & raise doubt to motives. (you can never understand the opposite sex)

6. Never mention love. They will start to imagine what else is going on in your mind. They will be the ones to bring up the topic of love.

7. Getting your target through other people is effective. (gain information & find a way to approach her in an unthreatening manner)

8. Don't declare feeling early because it provokes mistrust.

9. Learn to disguise your feeling & let people figure out what is happening for themselves.


Get to know the girl that you like through a friend of hers.


You can strike an immediate impression, stirring her desire at the first encounter but this one is a short seduction.


The spider sits quietly in the corner, waiting for its victims to come to it on their own & ensnare themselves in the web.


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