Monday, March 23, 2009

The Seducer's Victim 11 - The Beauty



1. Constantly worries that her power of desire to look at her is waning, that she is no longer attracting attention.

2. Worshipped only for one's appearance is monotonous & unsatisfying - LONELY

3. Beauty suffer isolation because people drawn into her is not for purpose of conversation. She has many lacks.

4. She is always being looked at, therfore tend to be passive. Beaneath her passivity, there lies frustration. They would love to be more active & actually do some chasing of her own.


1. Appreciate her intelligence, skills, character. Cannot stir up any insecurities in one area which she know her strength.

2. Also must worship her mind & soul. Intellectual stimulation work well on the Beauty, distracting her from her doubts & insecurities.

3. Use little coquettishness, train her to be active & give attention & care.


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