Monday, March 23, 2009

The Seducer's Victim 11 - The Beauty



1. Constantly worries that her power of desire to look at her is waning, that she is no longer attracting attention.

2. Worshipped only for one's appearance is monotonous & unsatisfying - LONELY

3. Beauty suffer isolation because people drawn into her is not for purpose of conversation. She has many lacks.

4. She is always being looked at, therfore tend to be passive. Beaneath her passivity, there lies frustration. They would love to be more active & actually do some chasing of her own.


1. Appreciate her intelligence, skills, character. Cannot stir up any insecurities in one area which she know her strength.

2. Also must worship her mind & soul. Intellectual stimulation work well on the Beauty, distracting her from her doubts & insecurities.

3. Use little coquettishness, train her to be active & give attention & care.


The Seducer's Victim 10 - The Professor



1. Analysing & criticising everything that crosses their path.

2. Their minds are over-developing & over-stimulated.

3. Feel physically inferior & compensate by lording their mental superiorityover others.

4. Look down on people.


1. Make them feel like Sirens.

2. Hide your intellectual tendencies & let them judge you.

3. You will know what they are trying to hide & when you are the one in control, you are giving them no one else can give - physical stimulation.


The Seducer's Victim 9 - The Drama Queen

Drama Queen


1. Constant drama in their lives

2. Enjoy playing the victim. They want something to complain about, they want pain.

3. Can be hopelessly selfish & anti-seductive


1. Offering stability & security

2. Willing & able to give them the mental rough treatment they desire.

3. Recognise them by number of people who have hurt them, tradegies & traumas that have befallen them.

4. Want long term relationship, inject drama in your relationship


Friday, March 20, 2009

The Seducer's Victim 8 - The Exotic Fetishist

Exotic Fetishist


1. Degree of interest, which govern all their choice of their life.

2. Do not like where they come from, their social class (middle or upper) & their culture because they do not like themselves.

3. Like to travel, house filled with objects from farway places, fetishise the music, art or that foreign culture.


1. Position yourself as exotic. ( Come from different background / race)

2. Make it a kind of theater for their amusement. Your clothes, things you talk about & places you take them, make a show of your difference.

3. Exaggerate a little & let them imagine the rest.


The Seducer's Victim 7 - The Conqueror



1. Always on the prowl for people to conquer , obstacles to surmount.

2. Can be little shy in social situation & can have a degree of reserve.

3. They love power & by hook or by crook they get it.

4. Tend to be emotional & their emotion only comes out when pushed.

5. Take advantage of your weakness, will quickly discard you & leave you the worse for wear.


1. Give them a chance to be aggressive, to overcome some resistance or obstacles before letting them think they overwhelmed you.

2. Use conquetry & give them a good chase.

3. To break them in, keep them charging back & forth like a bull.


The Seducer's Victim 6 - The Novice



They are curious & have little or no experience of the world. Long to initiate into the ways of the world.


1. Interested in people with experience, people with a touch of corruption & evil.

2. You must have somewhat childlike yourself with a playful spirit.

3. Expose them to new ideas, take them to new places, new worlds both literal & metaphoric.

4. Everything must be romantic including the evil & dark side of life.

5. Seductive language works wonder as does attention to detail

6. Mix innocence & corruption


The Seducer's Victim 5 - The Crushed Star

Crushed Star


1. Find themselves the centre of attention, perhaps they were beautiful or had some talent but those days are gone.

2. Memory of having once shone is hard to get over.

3. Learn to tamp down their desires, but failing to get attention they feel they desrve, they become resentful.

4. Recognise by they suddenly receive some attention in a social setting, it makes them glow.


1. Make them the centre of attention .When you are with them, act as if they were stars & you are basking in their glow.

2. Get them to talk about themselves. Mute your own colours & let them look funny & radiant.

3. Play the Charmer. They will feel intensely grateful to you for letting them shine.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Seducer's Victim 4 - The New Prude

New Prude


1. Excessively concerned with appearances, with what society considers appropriate & acceptable behaviour.

2. Excited & intrigued by guilty, transgressive pleasures.

3. Frightened by this attraction, tend to run in the opposite direction & become the most correct of all.

4. Never take fashion risks

5. Can be judgemental & critical of people who do take risks & are less correct.

6. Addicited to routine which gives them a way to tamp down their inner turmoil.


1. If you desire a New Prude, do not be taken in by their judgement of you or their criticisms. That is the sign of how deeply you fascinate them. You are on their mind.

2. Draw their attention by giving them the chance to criticise you or even try to reform you.

3. Now, you have the perfect excuse to spend time with them.

4. Once you open them up & get them to let go of their correctness, they are flooded with feelings & energies.


The Seducer's Victim 3 - The Pampered Royal

Pampered Royal


1. Classic spoiled children. All of their wants & desires were met by an adoring parent - endless entertainments, toys

2. Others will to do the entertainment for them

3. Being spoiled, they get lazy, as they get older, they tend to feel bored & restless because nobody pamper them.

4. Find pleasure in variety ( person to person, job , place)

5. Do not settle in relationship

6. Their ceaseless search for variety is tiring for them & come with a price (Work problems, unsatisfying romances, friends scatter across the globe)

7. Looking for a potential figure, who will give them the spoiling they craved


1. Be ready to provide a lot of distraction - new places to visit, novel experiences, color, spectacles.

2. Maintain air of mystery, continually surprising your target with a new side to your character.

3. Variety is the key.

4. Once hooked, they will quickly grow dependant on you & you can put out less effort

5. After a long relationship, disguise it. Offer long term security to them.

6. Recognise them by their past - job changes, travel, short term relationship.


The Seducer's Victim 2 - The Disappointed Dream

Disappointed Dream


1. Spent a lot of time alone & to entertain themselves, they develop a fantasy life, fed by books & films & other kinds of popular culture

2. Difficult to reconcil their fantasy life with reality & often disappointed by what they get when they are old.

3. Particularly true in relationship as they have been dreaming of romantic heroes, danger & excitement, but what they have is lovers with human frailities, pretty weeakness of everyday life.

4. Force themselves to compromise or otherwise spend their lives alone. But actually they are bitter & hungering for something grand & romantic.


1. Recognize them by the books they read & film they go. In their clothes & home furnishing, a taste for exuberant romance.

2. They make excellent & satisfying victims.

3. They have great imagination & will respond to anything mysterious or romantic you offer them.

4. Disguise some of your less than exalted qualities & give them a part of their dream.

5. Give them a part, they will imagine the rest. At all cost, do not let reality break the illusion you are creating.

KEYWORD : 想相力丰富

The Seducer's Victim 1 - The Reformed Rake / Siren

Reformed Rake / Siren


1. Once happy-go-lucky seducers, encounter so many social hostily & were getting older & decide to settle down

2. Trying to recapture pleasures that we experience in the past but temptation is great because the pleasures they found in seduction were intense


1. Cross their path & offer them opportunity to resume their rakish / siren ways

2. Give the illusion that they are the one doing the seducing. Give her the impression that she still has the irresistible power to draw a man in & make him give up everything for her.

3. A pre-existing committment is often the perfect foil